Energies renouvelables - Développement durable - Environnement
Waste Management at IKN Apply Circular Economy Concept
The Archipelago Capital City Authority (OIKN) is implementing a waste and waste management system based on the circular economy concept to boost the local community's economy. Agus Gunawan, Director of OIKN's Green Transformation, stated that they will recycle solid and liquid waste using various introduced technologies or through the circular economy approach. The circular economy allows for the utilization of waste and recycling it for other purposes, creating a symbiotic relationship between waste producers and those who can benefit from it. The ultimate goal is to enhance the economic status of the surrounding community and positively impact the national economy through the implementation of the circular economy.OIKN adopts a proactive approach in waste management, focusing on preventing waste generation. The aim is to reduce the amount of waste produced in the area. They plan to educate and encourage the local community, especially civil servants residing in the region, to adopt environmentally friendly practices and a green lifestyle. Simple actions like bringing reusable shopping bags when shopping will be promoted through socialization programs. OIKN collaborates closely with relevant institutions and technical offices, such as the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK), and the local environmental service, to develop an effective waste management system. Cooperation with these institutions enriches the implementation of waste management practices at OIKN Nusantara, and they believe that everyone's collaboration, including civil servants and residents, is essential for successful waste management in the area.